
Kind in de knel

  • Ondersteun de vader en de fantastische moeder die elk willen Có-Ouderen, zelf samen kinderen opvoeden, al dan niet samen wónend. Verbeter taal politiek en cultuur van het maatschappelijk middenveld opdat váder ook in de traditionele gebieden wordt gerespecteerd. Wij moedigen aan vol te houden met grootbrengen van kinderen in voorspoed en geluk …
stop vaderloosheid in Haïti
zondag 24 februari 2013

Mythe van Amerika’s sociale mobiliteit

en de uitdaging aan het adres van uw webredacteur

With big budgets cuts looming,
it might seem crazy to talk about new spending
but let US try anyway.
Here is a plea for a tiny but vital increase
in federal spending:

In his State of the Union address,
president Obama propose to expand
early childhood education for children
from poor families.
This is an important idea that could
begin to help redress
a huge problem in America:
the lack of economic mobility.
America is long been seen as a place
where anyone can make it.
And yet studies over the past two decades
point to a different reality:

Economic mobility in the US is low
compared to what it was in times past
and with current levels in many
European countries and Canada

You hear all about rags-to-riches stories
but they are the exceptions.
A comprehensive study by the
Pew Economic Mobility Project documents,
that in the US today, few poor people
become even upper middle class.
Now some of the criticism
on presidents Obama's program
has come from people who worry about the
governments track record
in the area of early childhood education.
They point to Head start, the longstanding program
that provides this education
to disadvantaged children.

The department of health and human services
released a study of Head start in 2010,
(which was updated in 2012)
which concludes that its positive effects
begin to fade within a few years.
This has led many to call the program a failure,
an urged the government not to throw
good money after bad.
But people are jumping to conclusions
about a very complicated subject
without really understanding the study
or the limitations of social science research.

Three scholars from the university of Chicago
and the university of California Davis,
painstakingly explain why it is
premature to reject Head start.
They know that many factors may have intervened
to erode the early gains in test-scores.

For example there have been sharp rises in:

  1. single parent families, rises in
  2. non-English speaking households, rises in
  3. severe health problems
    like childhood obesity and diabetes

Most important, some studies show
that the scores level out:
children who have been through early education
do better in their professional lives.
The more we learn about neuroscience,
the clearer it becomes that the human brain develops
much sooner than we had believed.
So early stimulation and education
can be highly effective.

Look at the data from the rest of the world:
A 2012 report from the OECD
studying data from 34 rich countries,
concludes that early childhood education:

  1. Improves children’s cognitive abilities
  2. Reduces poverty
  3. Creates a foundation for lifelong learning
  4. Improves social mobility
  5. Makes learning outcomes more equitable

from generation to generation

In many rich countries,
90 percent of 3-year-olds
get childhood education.
The average for 4-year-olds is 81 percent.
In the US it is only 69 percent.
And those children tend to be from
middle and upper middle class families.
American government set the pace
for education for the past 150 years.
We have been the first country to
offer mass education anywhere.
That lead is now gone.

Obama's proposals will help the US start
to catch up in the great struggle for
high-quality human capital
that is going to define the next century.

Lets get started.

Lees Verder

Eerder in 2005 bracht Bert Kerkhof problemen van kinderen in kaart op basis van gegevens van het Sociaal cultureel planbureau over de lagere school periode.

De Uitdaging

---------- Message ----------
From: Green Card Program - USAFIS
Date: March 9th 2013
Subject: Successful Minorities in America
To: Valued Member Bert Kerkhof

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